Friday, June 27, 2008

Feigning for a Wii

I've been sick at home for the past couple days meaning I'm bored out of my mind. These are the days that I wish I had something fun like a video game console such as the PS3 or the Wii to keep me preoccupied. I have to admit I almost drove to Best Buy yesterday to buy a PS3 but stayed at home because I thought the Wii would be a better fit for me. The only problem is, it's hard to come by. The other problem, I'm not really big on video games. I'll probably use it once or twice and move on to the next thing. I have the attention span of a gnat when it comes to video games. The Wii system is fun though. I've played KRMN's a couple of times and I had a blast but I don't know if it'd be worth it for me to get one. Am I just rambling on? Yeah, I think so...


Purse Addict said...

I gave up on video games when I realized I could no longer beat my brother in them...

sumnboutme said...

I think that's about the time I lost interest in them

karempot said...

The Wii is different but yeah you'll probably lose interest after a few times of using it just like what happened to my mighty panini grill. At least you'll have one when you need some diversion. We have every console but I only play with the Wii cos it really is that much fun-ner. Or you can get the ds-lite which is sorta like a mini-Wii version. Whatevs I should be sleeping instead of blabbing about the greatest console to ever come out. Don't get a PS3--it ain't worth it. Even Carlo gave up playing his game with the chick and big swords.