Monday, August 30, 2010

First Day of School

I am officially back in school today (and on the lookout for cute med students, lol).  It's still a little bittersweet - on one hand, I'm glad to be productive; on the other hand, I feel like I need more time to get situated after being away for a couple of weeks.  I admit that while I enjoyed two weeks of sheer laziness, it's taking me a while to get back into school mode.  I am soooo not liking the early mornings.

To help with the morning blues, I ordered a bunch of healthy stuff from Amazon - wheatgrass supplements and protein supplements.  I am going to try to kickstart my mornings with a healthy breakfast smoothie, a change from my usual coffee.  I'm not sure I can totally kick the caffeine habit but it's worth a try.

Anyway, back to today.  After class, we decided to enjoy midtown at least one more time before our schedule starts getting too hectic.  It was such a beautiful (albeit scorching) summer evening that we treated ourselves to people-watching at Bryant Park (while dreaming of Earl Grey Tea ice cream, yum).


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