Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Wedge Ankle Boots

I've been looking for ankle boots for a while and I finally found one that I love.  But now that I think about it, it's really not that practical considering I'm a student with no income.  The Balenciagas are still on the table but I also have to consider options that are, budget-conscious?? 

Anyway, here are my choices:

1.) Cheap (from Shopbop)
(L-R: Luxury Rebel, $280; Joe's Jeans $240)

2.) Cheaper (from Topshop)

(L-R:  Acorn, $170; Amore, $190 - not wedges, but too cute)

3.) Cheapest (from Urban Outfitters)
(L-R: Cooperative, $68; Deena & Ozzy, $78)


SoCalFashionista said...

I have been looking for a pair too. Lusting after a pair of Bottega Venetas, but trying to find a cheaper alternative.

cheeky_deb said...

The Bottegas are pretty awesome (if we are talking about the same ones). Pretty comfy too (generally speaking). The Balenciagas are soooo light though...stupid student budget :(