Well, no worries as shoes and shopping are still on my mind as I try to keep a hold on my sanity whilst going through the application process for grad school. I've come up with a reward system to further motivate me and help get me through the tediousness of the application process. First, the punishment (because obviously there can be no reward if there was no punishment) is withholding what I crave most, SHOES! So, while I'm going through the process, no new shoes. BUT, when I'm done with the application process (in about a month's time), I get to take home these babies:
As far as the actual results of getting into a school, I have an even better reward system. If I get into my top-choice school, I get to have a pair of shoes in the $2k range. Maybe a special order CL, something along these lines:
If I get into my second choice school, I get to buy myself a pair in the $1.5k range.
If you've caught on to the pattern, I get to pick something in the $1k range for getting into my 3rd choice school. For that I'm thinking...studded Pigalle!!!
If I don't get into my top 3 choices but I get in somewhere, I probably will just take myself to Providence for a nice dinner to celebrate. Oooh, maybe even Urasawa. I think I've mentioned before how much I love presents and I think I definitely give the best presents (to myself anyway). To those who are wondering why I'm wasting too much money on a reward, it's not just a reward for getting into school. It's a reward for the hard work and the stress of the next 2, 3 or 4 years (depending on the school and program I get admitted into) to come. For the next few years, I can't/won't be buying any more shoes so I want my last pair to be the best choice. If it doesn't make sense to you, it makes perfect sense to me and that's all that really matters.
Wish me luck!
I lah you :)
lol, thanks! i lah u too!
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