Remember when I said I'm limiting myself to 3 pairs of shoes this year? Well, that plan didn't work. I ended up with 8 shoes this month alone!!! Don't give me that look. I returned a pair and I sold another pair so that is really a net of 6 pairs. Um, still a lot. I guess I'm just doing my part in stimulating the economy although I really am not allowed another pair of shoes...at least for the month of March.
Note: Just because I'm not buying anything for March doesn't mean I haven't started my list for April...
Hmmm...looks like someone has to update the Last Shoe Purchase ticker tracker...
Well between your 6 and my 6 (my Activa's just arrived...oh wait, erm, 7 if you count the Manolo's I bought during the NM fire sale) Pres. Obama should thank us perosnally for all this 'stimulation'...
seriously...all this economic stimulation from tpf-ers... lol
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